Tzeng Huey Vegetarian Food Trading

We offer high quality Vegan and Vegetarian Food Products

Product Highlights

Omnipork 新豬肉 is designed to be an all-purpose plant-based pork analogue that is nutritional superior and environmentally friendly. In terms of texture, the OmniPork is succulent, tender and juicy. It can be seasoned in any ways, and can be steamed, pan-fried, deep- fried, stuffed, crumbled or turned into meat balls

Our Product Contains

Meat free and Nutritional Dietary Food We offer Products that is Meat Free and high in Nutritional Values. Non-GMO Our careful selection of Products to ensure the raw Ingredient used is Non-GMO Buddhist Friendly Our vegetarian products does not contains Alcohol and the Five Pungent Vegetables. eg. (Garlic, Onions, Scallion, Chives and Leek)

Our Taiwan Vegan Food Series

Produced using high quality refined Konjac Powder derived from Konjac Roots and Non-GMO Textured Soy Protein with Advance State of Arts Equipment and Production Technology.

Product Categories

Vegan 100% Plant based, does not contain Egg, Dairy Product, as well as Honey. Ovo-Vegetarian Vegetarian Product that contains Egg. Lacto-Vegetarian Vegetarian Product that contains Dairy Product such as Milk and Cheese.